Tuesday 15 April 2008

bad day...

today is not the best of days. woke up with a bit if a sore throat... didn't feel taht much at home but once at work i feelt completely drained of energy and i was freezing!!! one colleague asked me if i thought i was in siberia considering that i was wrapped in two pashminas and more or less sitting on top of the extra radiator with a cop of steaming tea in my hand....

feeling better now after a comfort yummy lunch with mashed potatoes. however, my right shoulder which has been giving me trouble for some weeks now has really started to hurt today. changed hands for the mouse so using the left hand now which works fine, but my shoulder, forearm and hand are still hurting... need to get a massage but not sure where to go.... i must be getting old. perhaps time to change jobs - doesn't seem i'm made for sitting in front of a computer all day... or perhaps time for that trip around the world...one can always dream right? :)

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