Thursday 7 February 2008

sunny but bad morning...

well at least it started out bad. ok, not really, it actually started out really well wakening up in the arms of my loved one, cuddling for about an hour before getting up and feeling good. but then for some mysterious reason i got into this absolutely awful mood like a 3-year old or something, feeling ugly, nothing fit me, my hair looked awful and i couldn't face trying to fix it, i felt stressed because we were late and a comment about if i wasn't ready yet just made me snap. so a bad morning mood put me into a probably quite scary angry tantrum - screamed a bit at my loved one, and slammed the door on him once he left, and then it even got worse for a little while before i calmed down, put something on and went into work even though i only felt like staying in bed the whole day... the sunshine did help making me feel better, and so did the music in my ears walking in... anyway, the mysteries of moods - perhaps it was because i'm a bit sick with a sore throat, cough and sneezing, which also makes me tired, all together reducing my patience...
anyway, no reason to scream at someone who was only beeing nice... hmmm anger management course anyone??

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