Wednesday, 3 October 2007

i'm in loooove....

With my new apartment, what else did you think ;)))
it's so nice and big and lovely, with big windows, lots of light, and so so quiet at night you sleep like an angel, and with a huge wardrobe that actually seems to be able to fit all my clothes (and this is not an easy task). Not easy to move especially not with last minute drop outs, but finally we made it over with everything thanks to my great helpers of the day (anki, nuno, miguel, mikaela and vincenza) and with the huge camionette that i ended up renting and driving... a bit scary sometimes as there was no way to see cars coming from the right side, but quite cool at the same time (picture to come later). so a new apartment returning to my earlier neighbourhood and now living 5 min from the lake and closer to work - it's wonderful!!!

as you can imagine, the move took most of my weekend, but i did manage to go out on friday to see two concerts which were both great, one in a south american surrounding and one at chat noir which really made us dance away, even in my beautiful red shoes which were starting to hurt me by this time...

ok, no more time to write as too much to do at work and need to go home to clean up my place before my mum comes for 4 days tomorrow, plus have anki and julie over for dinner tonight, as julie is only home for a week from ethiopia... catch you soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like everythings is well in Geneva, good to hear! Looking forward to see your new flat...
big hug