Friday, 28 November 2008


How could I forget? It has now come back to little bad me that the subject of my entry was to be:

"How to influence changes through internet".

Wow, you might be saying now. This should be really useful information. And yes it is.... for me. In short, following on my list of things that made me sad a few days ago, I have now an (even more) wonderful man who cooks for me and takes care of me and made me feel like a princess yesterday!!

You might remember my complains about being sooooo so tired, possibly due to too much time spent breathing in hair colours when I should have been working. So went home earlier than planned, skipped the gym, and just sat down in the sofa which has now found its preferred placement in the kitchen (I promise it loves it there!! giving colour to the whole room. Poor living-room though, ever since the red sofa moved into the kitchen, we have mostly abandoned the living-room - should perhaps think about renting it out...). With a book and a blanket as best company, I then spent most of the evening in my little hide-away. Watching, once N. arrived a few hours later, him cook and giving some probably very irritating tips from my princess seat, while partly reading but mostly enjoying N. cooking without any t-shirt and with a green beret as a chef's hat (some Portuguese tradition I would guess..., and yes, it is a good idea to put water to boil if you want the pasta cooked...). Paradise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hihi, høres ut som om alt er som det skal igjen da med dere to love birds. Hvordan var julen - var du hjemme i Sverige? Godt Nytt År :) Klem fra Isa