- To never get any spontaneous gifts - not even small tiny ones. Only gifts so far have been for christmas and my birthday, plus a candle found on the street once.
- To never get flowers, not even one, and knowing that you will probably never get any as someone doesn't like 'dead flowers'. But 1) I do, and/or 2) he could buy me a plant.
- To be the one cooking 95% of the time.
- To be the one cleaning 100% of the time.
- To do dishes approx. 40-50% of the time.
- To be the one that buys groceries approx. 80% of the time.
- To be the one always washing the sheets although he has a washing machine at home.
I get compliments. And that is nice. But they are for free and don't require a lot of effort - hence easy to give away.
An unhappy sad green fairy today, who's also irritated with:
- my colleague's constant talking and highly irritating voice and laughter.
- the fact that the same colleague - although only here since 1 month and only planned to be here for 6 months in total - has managed to get a new big screen for her computer and a new better chair! reason - her back problems. My shoulder problem due to repetitive strain injury however went by without any improvement although I mentioned that the reason was my position in front of the computer.
- the fact that some people here manages to get high salary raises while others get the answer that their bosses tried but only managed to negotiate an extra tiny sum per year for you, but will try to get you a nice end of year bonus - ooups, no bonuses this year...
Anyway, i'll stop this ranting now as it makes me even sadder.
A good weekend to you all.
1 comment:
Hei Helena! Hørtes ut som om du hadde hatt en skikkelig dårlig dag... MEN jeg sender deg en god klem og håper helgen blir bedre! Har forresten begynt på en liten blogg selv, men vil nok ikke være så aktiv som deg ;) Klem Isabel
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