Wednesday, 7 January 2009

interviewer or interviewee

Just had quite a bizarre meeting where our possible new assistant came for a discussion about what her work would consist of etc. The meeting went well, but after she left I had the strange feeling that rather than her selling herself to me, I was actually sitting there trying to sell working with me to her!

The reason is probably twofold. First, this girl has 2 job proposals and is trying to decide which one to chose. Second, we did our BA together, and were 'friends of friends' going to some of the same dinners etc - hence I feel a bit awkward being her possible new boss and made some strange balancing act between 'supervisor' and 'friend'....

Hmmm well now it is only a wait until Friday (her deadline for making a decision) to see how successful I was. If she chooses to work for our department then that will be great as we really need the assistance. If she chooses to take the other job, then I will be able to make a real interview with the possible candidates - one where I can be the interviewer and not the interviewee ;)

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