Wednesday, 19 November 2008


So tired today. A bit better now, but after lunch it felt like i was going to topple over and wake up with the different letters of my keyboard glaring back to me from my face.

Most days i'm ok, but then some, like today, it feels like the digestion of lunch takes away all my energy. I know a lot of people get a bit tiredish after a heavy lunch, but I cannot keep from wondering on days like today, if my slowed down metabolism due to my thyroiditis problems - meaning that my body has to work twice as much just to withdraw energy from food - is not causing this great tiredness. My body goes half limp, my eyes fall down to an extent that my colleagues make fun of me, and i can hardly keep my head up - my only want: to lie down! This happens sometimes after lunch, often after breakfast in the weekends, and more rarely after dinner. My lazy body (as a doctor nicely called it, although what's lazy about it working 100% at all times in order to just about manage i'm not so sure) would very much enjoy siestas, actually, on days like today, it's basically screaming for a break. But no place to lie down in the office, not even for 5 minutes.

hmmmm would this go away if i decided to start taking the pills? falling in a grey zone and having to make that decision myself is hell.

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