Saturday, 7 March 2009

running in 15%

Am in Slovenia visiting my dad and little brother, down by the coast in a nice place called Secovlje. And had the great idea today to go for a run since it was feeling like spring with the sun shining from a crisp blue sky.

Chose to go uphill away from the sea, have walked there before but never run. Hence never realised what it really means to run uphill in a 15% inclination. Have done 6% at the gym, but wow was this a difference. Might have been faster if i had walked - that's how "fast" i went. Great challenge let's say that. Or more negatively, I thought I might fall over, my breath was coming out in gasps... and is that road long.....

However, once up, and once I had caught my breath next to some resting horses, I turned around and started the downhill, rather easier I must admit and with a beautiful view. Below me the saltbanks (secovljes) spread followed by the blue sea and finished off by the snowcapped Italian and Slovenian Alpes. On my side, hill after hill with olive treas and right in front of me, an almond trea in bloom.

What a reward, a well deserved one making it all so much sweeter.

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