Monday, 23 March 2009

lovely lasagne

something warm, slightly spicy, were the different layers enhances the taste of each other - a lovely lasagne!

For your information the taste is nothing like the ones you buy already made, nothing like the ones you sometimes get in a restaurant with a layer of fat floating on top, no need for tomato sauce to cover the whole thing up - but just lovely yummy tastes. Perfect on a cold day or for inviting people over as it is almost tastier even the day after.

For 4-5 people, you need:

- the bolognese sauce from the previous recepy (approx. 2/3 will be used, the rest is great to freeze in for a fast spag bol another day)
- lasagne sheets - I use the green ones from Barilla
- cottage cheese, 300-400g
- grated parmesan cheese
- béchamel sauce

Béchamel sauce is best to make your own - it's quite easy, and the good thing is that even if you mess it up a bit and don't manage to get it completely even it won't be noticeable in the lasagne ;)
The recepy is usually mentioned on the box of lasagne, but includes approx:
- 40g butter (I use a bit less, perhaps 25-30g)
- 40 g of flour
- 9 dl of milk
- salt, pepper
- muscat (if you like it, I don't so I skip it)

You melt the butter, add the flour and whip it together (crumbles is the right consistency), add a little bit of milk and whip into a paste, then add the rest of the milk and stir together. Put back on the stove, quite low temperature, and let it heat up again but not boil over. The heat will make it thicken. Make sure to stir very regularly to ensure that it doesn't burn in the bottom!! Finished.

Lasagne - the making:
You need a pan for the oven, approx. 40 cm long, 25 cm wide (or something of the same size) and at least 5 cm high.

Layer 1:
- a thin layer of bolognese (spread directly on the bottom of the pan, no butter needed)
- a thin layer of cottage cheese
- a thin layer of béchamel
- cover with sheets of lasagne

Layers 2 and 3:
- a thin layer of bolognese
- a thin layer of cottage cheese
- a thin layer of béchamel
- spread grated parmesan thinly all over
- cover with sheets of lasagne

Layer 4:
- cover with béchamel - make sure that everything is thinly covered
- spread parmesan all over, a bit thicker than on the other layers

Put in oven at 220° for 20 min (or whatever time is written on the pack of lasagne).


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