Figthing through the morning in order to feel ok enough to even get into work after spending more than an hour just coughing and feeling like shit (same thing yesterday). And what awaits me at work? A nice mail telling me that I need to start coming in between 9 and 9.30 although I'm not supposed to take the mail as criticism…. Fine - the fact that I was coming in between 8.30 and 9 most of last week when I was not sick (the week before and this week I have been sick) does not count, probably because I usually manage to come in early on the days when my boss is travelling or even on days when he has come in just before 10 and of course has no idea if I've been there for an hour or just 5 minutes………
I know I can be lazy some mornings, but it feels like shit to get picked on when I should have stayed in bed and the only reason I'm here to start with is for some stupid obligation feeling since we have a deadline tomorrow. Perhaps I should just pick up my stuff and return home again and not care about any deadlines or anything.
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