Tuesday, 21 October 2008

the joy of a bathtub or the moment i went completely crazy

You might have heard about different people having a cold, or a real bad cough, or a stomach flu lately - the joy of autumn - and then there's me. In the last 3 weeks i've managed to cover them all, one after another. It seems that if someone so much as sneezes 200 m away from me I will catch it.

So yesterday, after a good wake-up and preparation for work, I left and half way to work decided that I was too sick to actually go in and hence turned around and went back home and into bed for the rest of the day. Or, part of it. In the afternoon, I suddenly felt really really bad, burning up and dizzy, sitting on the edge of the bathtub trying to feel better when I for some reason ended up in the tub AND then decided to stay there as it was so cool and nice against my burning skin, the only place where I actually felt ok. Stayed in there for about half an hour, no water, just my damp sweaty skin against the coldness of the ceramic tub, sleeping. If anyone would have walked in at that moment they would probably have thought I'd gone completely crazy. and perhaps i had.... ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My gf always says that when your body is hot, you should cold it up. So a dry bath or a cold water bath is good choice. Unless a nice men is around, I would think...