Monday, 28 September 2009

Financial reporting...

Working late after another day of difficulties concentrating at work. One reason, my tiredness. Antoher, the boring task ahead as I have to prepare the mid-term report for my biggest project and on today's agenda is the financial report. Urgh. Usually it's boring but quite a fast task. But with 8 organisations involved plus workshops and other costs, this one is a bit of a mess...

And somehow I wonder if this is the reason why I did 6 years of international studies? Do I really need a Masters degree to put together a financial report? Well, perhaps. But rather in finance than in history and politics surely... Do I need to speak 3 languages fluently for this? Especially since none of them is Mathematics ;)

Ahhh the joys of life and of my wonderfully boring job. Another year only, another year!!

In the meantime, and as an advantage of working late and being able to play music at work, at least I am now working while jazzing to some Erykah Baduizm! Yeah :D

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