Monday, 28 September 2009

Financial reporting...

Working late after another day of difficulties concentrating at work. One reason, my tiredness. Antoher, the boring task ahead as I have to prepare the mid-term report for my biggest project and on today's agenda is the financial report. Urgh. Usually it's boring but quite a fast task. But with 8 organisations involved plus workshops and other costs, this one is a bit of a mess...

And somehow I wonder if this is the reason why I did 6 years of international studies? Do I really need a Masters degree to put together a financial report? Well, perhaps. But rather in finance than in history and politics surely... Do I need to speak 3 languages fluently for this? Especially since none of them is Mathematics ;)

Ahhh the joys of life and of my wonderfully boring job. Another year only, another year!!

In the meantime, and as an advantage of working late and being able to play music at work, at least I am now working while jazzing to some Erykah Baduizm! Yeah :D

Friday, 25 September 2009

New lunch company

Since my lunch buddy is out of the city for a week, I decided to get a new lunch friend:

This one wanted my food though, and finally managed to chase me away by almost coming up in my face even after the sandwich was finished and the bag thrown away. Luckily neither my cousin nor my friend A were there as they are both scared of birds!

Thyroditis, TSH at 5.7

In fact, if I remember correctly I never wrote anything about my last doctor's appointment to check up on my hypothyroidism problem. I'm supposed to go for a check-up every 6 months approximately and the last one was at the end of May. Normal discussion with the doctor asking me how I'm feeling, if anything has been bothering me. I, of course, tried to sound as convincing as possible when telling him that I feel just great. No problems really. Eeeh... Does that happen to you to? I can think about all the things that have not been great in the last few months, how this hurts, or how tired I am, or... But then in front of the doctor's question it's like if I am trying to pass an exam for the healthiest person alive. Of course I'm feeling good. I'm just peachy peachy!

So perhaps there is no wonder that he then told me that everything looks good and that as long as the test results come back ok - meaning that the TSH level is still under 5, in the kind of 'grey-zone' where it had been fluctuating up and down during the previous year between 4.3 and 4.9 (4.3 being the ceiling of the so-called normal level) - I would only need to come back for the next check-up a year later and not needing any medicine until then at least.

A few weeks pass by and I finally receive my copy of the test results. With the TSH level at 5.68! Hence quite a lot higher than the 5 that the doc had put as the ceiling for the grey-zone level. So I am quite surprised when I do not hear anything from him. Another week or so passes, and then I try to call my doctor to see what's going on. Evidently I get the nurse on the phone instead and explain my preoccupation. A few days later, I have a missed call in the evening with a message from my doctor saying that according to his notes on the test results everything is fine, but perhaps I can come back for the next check-up in 6 months...

And I stand perplexed. Under 5 was supposed to mean that everything is stable. Over 5, or actually close to 6 should have deserved at least a consultation no? Not knowing if I was overreacting and everything actually was fine, if the doctor had listen to my 'everything is great' speech and decided that although the results were so and so at least I seemed to feel good, or what? As the summer was coming up and I normally feel better in the summer, I decided to wait for the 6 months and discuss it anew with him then.

But now I'm wondering if that was such a good idea. I mean, a friend of mine was diagnosed with the same problem at a level of 5.8 or so and was directly given the medicine and started to feel better within a week. She said she hadn't realised how un-normally tired she had actually been before, having the same problem as me with comments from everyone else that are tired around. And she hasn't felt any side effects. Perhaps she's lucky? But at least she got some energy back again. That sounds like heaven!

Ooo so tired, TGIF

I'm soo tired today and my neck is hurting. Happy the weekend is here but stressed because of all the things i should have done but still haven't gotten around to. The problem of being tired most of the time is that I am always late, always last minute, always stressed and it makes me even more tired. Feels like I could just lie down and sleep for a couple of weeks. Would be so nice! Do nothing else than sleep, eat, read a bit, sleep, eat....

Is this a normal feeling? It doesn't feel normal. When I look around me, people don't seem as tired as I feel, as I look. I want to blame it on my bad values at my last doctor's appointment. But at the same time I wonder if perhaps I'm just lazy and unmotivated. Every time I tell someone of how tired I am, I got the answer that it is normal. But can it really be? How can the world go forward if everyone are as tired and unproductive as I am?

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Birthday trip... in my dreams

This morning I suggested to my lovely N, who's birthday it is today, that we call in sick, get into the car, flip a coin for the direction and start driving somewhere. To drive on small roads, stopping for lunch in some cute village, lap up the sun. In short, to to enjoy a day off for no other reason than to celebrate his birthday.

An excellent idea I thought. Not the most grown up one, but a fun one ;)

But as you can see I am at work as darling N has grown all old and serious and discarded my idea with a slight smile telling which he saves for when he finds me cute but crazy. Hmmm perhaps it's the 2 years age difference between the two of us? Hmmm that must be it. He is now muito OLD! ;))

Friday, 18 September 2009

It's a big big world

Today my darling Mims is taking a flight back to Zambia and it will be a year at least before I see her again. It makes me sad, but at the same time I am happy that she likes it so much over there, that she has found her love, her serenity and her family! I just wish I would get to see her more often.

Sometimes the world is still too big. I can't even imagine how it must have been a century ago, how difficult when your friends and family lived in another country, not to mention another continent. We are lucky today. I can live in Switzerland, with my half of my family in the north and half in the south, with my boyfriends family in yet another country, and with friends spread all over the world. I can live here and still get to see most of them at regular intervals. And when we are not seeing each other we can chat, e-mail, phone, and even see each other live via skype.

Technology is really an incredible thing. Only less than 15 years ago when I spent a year in the States, my only means of keeping in touch with my family was through letters and some rare phone calls (as it was really quite expensive). E-mail was around but not really used yet for personal mails, although this was more or less the time when I started using e-mail occasionally. Today, it's another world. Skyping with my mother gives me a lot more than just merely talking, being able to see her reactions are great. Being able to show a new haircut, show people around the apartment although they have never set their feet inside it, show something you bought or made or.... And even cooler is it to skype with small children, even babies. They can't yet speak to you, or they do not have the patience to once they're a bit older, but you can see them. You can stick out your tongue at them and have them stick their tongue out in return. You can smile and have a beautiful smile back which warms your heart. It's great!

But albeit there is all this technology, some places are still far away. In Zambia, mobile phones work well so Mims and I can sms each other - and we do quite frequently. And it's not more expensive than to sms someone in France. But calling each other? Too expensive except for special circumstances. E-mails work, chat usually works. Skype usually does not work regretfully - and this is really regrettable. We would be able to talk on a regular basis, to see each other, she could show me her house, her family, her cat or whatever else she felt like. So it sucks.

Flights of course work, but are expensive and it takes a day of travel. But I will go there to visit. I have been invited several times, and one day I will go. Most probably in 2 years from now, as I plan to end my travel around the world with a month or so in Zambia and the surrounding countries. But before that I really hope that Mims will come back to Switzerland next year, at the latest! And that skype starts working one of these days!

Miss you my friend!

It should be me! I would smile...

Just read the last updates on a travel blog that I follow. Two people travelling around the world, well part of it at least. Two people living my dream, having the time and money to see lots of new places, to experience a different way of living and of travelling, to make new friendships, to learn about other cultures, to be out of the stressful and monotonous 9 to 5 working life, with time to just enjoy life and have fun, to laugh.

The problem is that they do not seem to be having fun! To be honest I do not really understand why they continue to travel as, at least according to their blog, they seem to hate it most of the time. They can't stand the people. They can't take that people don't speak English. They can't seem to handle the freedom to have the whole world at their feet and decide what they want to see next…

It drives me crazy! The blog is all about money and problems and badly behaved people.... But where is the fun? Where is the love? Where is the excitement?
Arrgh - why don't they just come back and give me their money? I would enjoy it!

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

3D disco

Saturday we went out for the first time in ages. It was the last night of the festival of La Batie, so out we had to go to the temporary Batie night club at Palladium, where once past the doormen we received 3D glasses and felt a bit perplexed. Many trials later looking stupidly around we decided that these glasses were un-useful this evening, but still kept them around.

Luckily. A bit after midnight, the room got darker, the music changed slightly and 3D videos started to play on screens all around the dance floor. My camera was left at home regretfully since looking backwards on the hundreds of people sporting white paper 3D glasses while semi-dancing was hilarious.

It was fun. Not a concept to be adopted for every night out. But different, so fun for a night. Dancing to some quite good music while having things jumping out onto you from the screens was fun. Well for 30 minutes or so. Then the glasses went off and we just danced for a while.

The 80s just don't seem to go away do they. Plankstek in Stockholm (a kind of dish very popular in the 80s), 3D in movie theatres all over the world, socks in high-heeled shoes, and now 3D discos. What's next?

Different level of rudeness

What is ruder:
1) To speak in a language only half the table understands for 80% of the time during dinner, and especially to make all the jokes in that language; or
2) To pick up a good book and start reading while waiting for the meal to be served as you cannot understand anything that's said around you?

The monster showed her ugly face again yesterday, but perhaps deserved this time around...

Friday, 11 September 2009


Feeling lost. Feeling a bit sad. Wrapped in grey clouds as the sky above. Heavy and unmotivated I have spend the whole day procrastinating. Not liking it here anymore. But not sure what to do instead, where to go. The decision is to stay working for another year to save enough money before hitting the roads, or the skies. Before living my dream at last. But a year is so long when unmotivated. My work is not that bad but for some reason no matter how good my intentions are in the morning, during the night before or over the weekend, once I get into work all my motivation is blown away. I feel tired. Bored. And I search the net for anything interesting to read. Anything to do. Playing stupid games. Updating sometimes, but mostly reading on fb. Chatting if anyone around. Wasting time until the day is almost over and then suddenly, with my bad conscious as the master driver, I finally get some work done. Working late of course as nothing was done during the day. Ending the day with a few things done but many threatening behind. Tired. So tired. Where's the medicine for this?