Friday, 23 January 2009

Even animated stars are mostly men

This article brings up the fact that in almost all animated movies - Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks productions included - have male stars. No matter if they are animals, robots, insects, cars, toys or monsters, they are always male. The females are supporting roles and that's it. And it has grown worse since Disney got competition - before at least we got movies like Pocahontas, Snow White, the little mermaid which were not of the same quality as the new productions and which of course enforced stereotypes of how a girl should act, what she should look like to be pretty etc. But at least these were movies with female leading roles, with female heroines. No we get movies like the Ice Age, Kung Fu Panda, Cars, Ratatouille, Antz, Wall-E, Finding Nemo, Shrek. All of excellent quality but all sporting male leading roles.

I agree - here's for more female leading roles in animated movies! Please.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

me - an optimist?

I have realised lately that I have had the tendency to use my blog quite often to get rid of some of my negative thoughts, as an outlet of anger, irritation and disappointment. Although I will probably continue with this usage, I have decided to try to see things in a more optimistic light and especially to be more optimistic on this blog. The truth is that most of the time when I'm in a good, happy, pleased mood, I don't actually take the time to write an entry. It's when I'm upset that the need gets more pressing.

But this is going to change. Or at least I will make an effort to try and change it since it's more fun for everyone, me included, to read something happy every now and then. They say optimists live longer than pessimists. Whatever is the truth level in that statement, I am sure that optimists at least have more fun while living. And I like fun! So more fun coming up. And I'll stop all the whining. Life is too short to stay irritated and to care about small problems - right?

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

recipe on how to get a cheaper internet deal

In Switzerland, internet is still quite expensive and as there are not that much competition for clients. So how now does one get a deal? Well, this is required at least:

- a lot of patience
- some more patience and a bit of lying, or let's say omitting the truth
- a good argument, actually make that 2-3 good arguments
- the story of a friend that got a discount....
- a history of fidelity either with this company, or with an other since needing a reason then to brake it
- a huge amount of persuasion power
- insistence - hence getting to speak with someone higher up
- having your facts straight - how many months/years have you been with them, what rights do you have, obligations....
- information about other offers - threatening to move your mobile contract to another company since they offer a better deal on internet is a good way to go
- approx. 18 minutes to spare (at least!)

Result: 3 months of free DSL for a 12 month contract!

Warning: they will try to trick you in any way possible - saying that they cannot invent a special offer for you (proof - they can, I got it), pulling up limits on your mobile contract (told me that I had subscribed to a new 2-year long contract in July 2007 and therefore was not entitled to any new offers until April 2009, which 1. was untrue as I had never subscribed to any new contract, and 2. July 07 to April 09 does not make 24 months!) but then backing off when you tell them the real facts (yes I have a discount offer at 14CHF per month because I haven't changed my phone for 4.5 years, but this discount can be stopped at any moment by me asking for a new phone), insisting that nothing is possible until you pull out the threat to leave for another company, then insisting that they offer the fixed line fee, and only giving in when you counter that, true, but the other company gives a package price for less if you move your mobile contract there.... A bunch of b....

Good luck!

Tuesday, 20 January 2009


"This is the meaning of our liberty and our creed - why men and women and children of every race and every faith can join in celebration across this magnificent mall, and why a man whose father less than sixty years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath."

Just a small part of a great speech. Perhaps a new era? At least, to be sure, a more eloquent speaker has entered the White House. Shivers...

Monday, 19 January 2009


I have not commented on the current war in Gaza, and I won't do it today either as there are a multitude of experts out there a lot more knowledgeable and interesting than me. I do however follow the happenings in the area as much as possible, considering that some days I just cannot take even more bad news.

Here is therefore an interesting article in the wake of the new US presidency by someone with experience in the region. And hopefully one day there will be an end to the terror.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

a tight belt - the new dieting tip?

I'm wearing a belt today which makes me feel quite fat, and implies to me that perhaps I shouldn't eat since then it becomes too tight…. Not very comfortable but perhaps something I should wear all the time… no wonder why women were thin in the years of corset wearing - who could eat anything more than a bird portion with that kind of thing choking you? But then again they also had a tendency to faint quite often….

running addict? well not yet but....

Went running at the gym yesterday. Needed to get rid of some of my negative thoughts, all that negative energy swivelling around inside me. No matter what the reason was making me feel so down, my body needed help getting rid of it.

Was supposed to go to the body combat, which is usually one of my favourite ways of ridding my body of any negative thoughts as you kick and hit away for an hour. However, some new choreography meant that we were supposed to pair up and right then I just couldn't take pairing with anyone (if there had been anyone available that is, as everyone was already paired up), so I left. Looking around the gym the running belt really felt like the only exercise which was 'violent' enough to make me feel better, where I could really get an outlet for my anger, irritation, and sadness.

30 minutes and 5 km later, I came off the belt red as a tomato, sweating and super tired. But also, feeling happy for the first time that day. All that anger and irritation had left my system and it felt good! I remember a time in my life when the only way I could get through most days was to go for a run. A time when I could chose between either running or completely trashing my room as I was hurting so much. I am far from that stage now, but it's funny to feel how much good a long run still does to me. And although I prefer running outside rather than on a belt, the effect is almost the same. So, perhaps, I will turn into a running addict again.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

sad, lost, numb

I'm feeling sad, a bit numb, like there's something between me and life, some kind of cotton wall. Something protecting me from really feeling anything important, but also shielding me from the same. I don't know what I want in life, I feel completely lost at the moment. No motivation for anything - work is ok, but is this really what I want to do? I often feel like a fake here. I get good feedback and appreciation, I've gotten a promotion (last year) and a raise (this) - but often I wonder why. I spend half the days doing nothing, doodling away, and I'm still not really into the whole SSR business. Ok I've learned a bit, you have to after 4 years, but I often feel lost when discussing these issues. And I cannot keep wondering why no one sees it? Perhaps my boss doesn't get it since he likes the sound of his own voice so much that when we discuss things I usually only have the chance to nod my head in answer. Ok, I'm exaggerating but if I don't want to address some issue it is never a problem as he will talk for both of us.

So no real motivation for work. Partly perhaps because I know that even when doodling away half of the day I still seem to impress people, so why work more? Partly because perhaps this is not what I really want to do in life. But the question is what the hell I actually want to do??? How to know? How to find something that makes me feel happy to wake up in the mornings, motivated to go to work, like I'm actually doing a difference...? I don't know, but I feel numb.

Perhaps I'm feeling numb, scatter minded, lost, with problems to focus and reduced libido just because I have this sickness? Perhaps the answer would just be to start taking the pill that exists but which my doctor thought was not necessary yet as I'm on the border between 'normal' and 'abnormal' levels. I don't know. Perhaps it's all due to my work. Perhaps that's why I often feel more in love and happier when travelling, when away from here.

A void of a day

One of those days when everything feels grey, empty and full of cotton. A day when the weather seems to reflect my mood perfectly or is it the other way around. A void of a day.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

interviewer or interviewee

Just had quite a bizarre meeting where our possible new assistant came for a discussion about what her work would consist of etc. The meeting went well, but after she left I had the strange feeling that rather than her selling herself to me, I was actually sitting there trying to sell working with me to her!

The reason is probably twofold. First, this girl has 2 job proposals and is trying to decide which one to chose. Second, we did our BA together, and were 'friends of friends' going to some of the same dinners etc - hence I feel a bit awkward being her possible new boss and made some strange balancing act between 'supervisor' and 'friend'....

Hmmm well now it is only a wait until Friday (her deadline for making a decision) to see how successful I was. If she chooses to work for our department then that will be great as we really need the assistance. If she chooses to take the other job, then I will be able to make a real interview with the possible candidates - one where I can be the interviewer and not the interviewee ;)