Monday, 5 May 2008

welcome back miss summer!!!!

lovely weekend with sunshine sunshine sunshine and warmer weather by the day!! must admit that everything that needed to be done (washing clothes - extremly urgent since really down to the last ugly underware; cleaning the apartment...) was saved for some other day and the weekend was mostly spent down by the lake. saturday with some friends, met with one friend and walked to the other side together and then hung out at bains-de-paquis the whole afternoon with more and more friends joining as the day passed. sunday, rollerblade tour with my love, first to the end of the small lake (the lac leman alias lake geneva is made up of the small lake around geneva and what you can see from the city, and the whole lake or big lake which goes all the way to montreux) on the right side for some exercise and then back again and over to the other side to bdp again where some friends then joined! the rollerblade tour supposedely burned some 900 calories according to my love's new cardio watch - if that's true, i should have had even more to eat yesterday ;))

so a lovely start of the summer and the first weekend spent mostly in a bikini :)))
feeling in real good shape, full of energy in spite of my severe iron deficency, but perhaps that's also due to having indulged in meat these last days...

soon off for lunch in the sun, wow i really love the summer!!!! welcome back, you have been longed for!

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