Monday, 14 April 2008

abba party

so, a bit late, but better late than never, i am going to celebrate having survived yet another year keeping the smile on my face, with a big (hopefully, we only sent out the invitations 5 days before the party actually takes place) birthday party. Together with my great friend, Anki, we decided that a nice theme for our 63 b-day party would be Abba - to make it a bit easier for our friends we made the theme bigger and included also Sweden -. Deem our surprise yesterday, when looking around for some pictures and costum ideas we found out that the day of our party, 19 April, is the official Abba day!!!!!

Bizzarely enough this offical Abba Day takes place in Roosendaal, the Netherlands!! Guess swedes don't like to celebrate our own groups as much... hmmmm

anyway, next to the party in NL, a Abba party is hence also organized in geneva :))

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