Thursday, 6 March 2008

Me - the next American president....

If I was elected as the next American president one of the first things that I would do would be to cut the majority of aid to Israel, and all military aid, putting as a request for continuous non-military aid that communication is re-started with the Palestinians including with Hamas, and that a real solution is sought for this 40-years long conflict. Furthermore, I would put pressure on the Israeli leaders that 1) they stop bombing civilians as punishments for suicide attacks, it is not because one side does something bad that the other has to respond in the same way, especially not when the other is a so-called democratic state, and 2) aid is permitted to the Palestinians, especially those in the Gaza area. The situation, as described in today's news, cannot go on much longer in this way especially when the standard of living is increasingly sinking every day that goes by for the Palestinians. Out of desperation, terror is born. Just look at Iraq.

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