Monday, 19 November 2007

Filippa - a star is born / or / me a godmother?

my darling little godchild filippa was born friday and i had the immense pleasure of being introduced to her by my lovely cousin (who by the way, still looked like a thousand bucks, even though it was just 24h since she gave birth) on saturday. the baby sister of my all time favourite guy anton (see pics from this summer), though not as of yet that appreciated by the latter as he kind of wonders who this creature is that has taken his mum away, she has of course immediately found a spot in my heart - the 5 seconds she opened her dark blue eyes were indeed enough :))) a little angel with the tiniest hands and nails. though i was less shocked to see how small she is - compared to her mother and her auntie olivia who couldn't remember that anton was ever that small - since i had the great pleasure to see jessica's little moa just 2 weeks earlier and hence was prepared for the smallness of newborn girlies :) 2 new girls in my life in one month - this is indeed a good autumn!!

and as you have already seen, i have been asked to be the godmother of this little wonder :)))) a great honour that gives me enormous amounts of joy as i love this family and am very happy to be a part of their lives and to be there for this small girl throughout her life. It is also my first request (and possibly the last) of this magnitude and it really touches me! however, as you can see from the question mark in the subject line, it also feels a tiny bit strange... not to be the "fadder" of this child, or the more neutral sounding "marraine", but to be her GODmother.... for someone who does not really believe in god, and does not at all believe in church, it's a bit of an awkward title.... but the important part - to be there for filippa for the rest of my life will never be a problem. as for the god business, well, that will be up to her!

kisses little angel!

ps. my excuses for not having any pictures - especially since i did bring my camera, but guess i was just too captivated by this sleeping beauty to actually bring it into action. next time - promise.

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