Thursday, 29 November 2007


Today, this is my feeling: frustration!

Tuesday, 27 November 2007


went for a quick rollerblade session down by the lake. wonderful to get out and move around, get some sun, and a lot of wind!!! hadn't realised that the nice morning breeze had turned into a semi-hurricane by lunch... well, just meant some more work for those buttocks ;))

have to do this more often. it reminds me of the reason why i like working in the middle of town, in this beautiful part of the world :)

a beautiful way of starting the morning

Just had to share my beautiful walk into work this morning. Ever since i moved to Eaux-Vives, I usually walk down by the lake into work in the mornings. A nice walk most days, and today more beautiful than ever. Just picture this (i didn't have my camera on me): a blue sky, the blue lake, a small breeze, birds in the water, walking between the water and the park full of green trees, the bridge full of white and red flags (swiss, red cross, red crescent and red square), the buildings on the opposite side shining in the sunshine, the swiss flags from the bridge reflected in the flags on the buildings, an old boat in front of the bridge, and behind the sunnyl buildings you see the mountains with snow-capped peaks and above all an almost full moon... wow.

Friday, 23 November 2007


Am disgusted today. Just read an article ( about a 15 year old girl that was put in prison, for no apparent reason, in a cell together with 20 men for one month. And yes, she was raped. Several times and forced to perform sexual favours against food. Regretfully, I have to say that putting 1 girl together with 20 men in a prison cell one cannot really expect a different outcome. I'm scared that I think this way, but enough reports, books and experience have taught me that the outcome of the scenario is inevitable. However, it seems like the policemen in the Para region capital Abaetetuba in Brazil could not imagine this outcome, or even the risk of such action. Surprising, especially considering that this was the 2nd similar case in that region where the same thing happened to a 23-year old girl who was put in a cell with 70!!! men.

An extreme example perhaps. But the basic fact stands that many men for some reason believe that they have the right to do what they want with women. And this belief grows deeper the bigger the number of men you put together. Raping someone is one of the worst acts possible, gang rape is of course not better. However, neither seem to get the attention deserved as rapes become ever more frequent especially in times of armed conflicts but also between "lovers", in the homes of people living in countries in peace. Perhaps one of the misunderstandings is the look on women's bodies as objects, so common in the world. An object does not have feelings right? An object can be used as a weapon. The worst example here might be the recent situation in Saudi Arabia where a woman and a man were stopped by a gang of men and raped. And then, they, the two victims, where judged to get whipped. When the woman protested the number of beatings went up and a 6 months prison sentence was added. Because of world protests this sentance has now been cancelled. But the frightening part persists - how can a state condemn a rape victime to punishment???

On rape and the horrible effects it has one the victims and their surroundings the following materials might be of interest: "Rape: A love story" by Joyce Carol Oates, "Jenny" by Jonas Gardell, "Irréversible" à movie from 2002, and perhaps for some more facts: "Women in an insecure world - Violence against women", DCAF publication

Monday, 19 November 2007

Filippa - a star is born / or / me a godmother?

my darling little godchild filippa was born friday and i had the immense pleasure of being introduced to her by my lovely cousin (who by the way, still looked like a thousand bucks, even though it was just 24h since she gave birth) on saturday. the baby sister of my all time favourite guy anton (see pics from this summer), though not as of yet that appreciated by the latter as he kind of wonders who this creature is that has taken his mum away, she has of course immediately found a spot in my heart - the 5 seconds she opened her dark blue eyes were indeed enough :))) a little angel with the tiniest hands and nails. though i was less shocked to see how small she is - compared to her mother and her auntie olivia who couldn't remember that anton was ever that small - since i had the great pleasure to see jessica's little moa just 2 weeks earlier and hence was prepared for the smallness of newborn girlies :) 2 new girls in my life in one month - this is indeed a good autumn!!

and as you have already seen, i have been asked to be the godmother of this little wonder :)))) a great honour that gives me enormous amounts of joy as i love this family and am very happy to be a part of their lives and to be there for this small girl throughout her life. It is also my first request (and possibly the last) of this magnitude and it really touches me! however, as you can see from the question mark in the subject line, it also feels a tiny bit strange... not to be the "fadder" of this child, or the more neutral sounding "marraine", but to be her GODmother.... for someone who does not really believe in god, and does not at all believe in church, it's a bit of an awkward title.... but the important part - to be there for filippa for the rest of my life will never be a problem. as for the god business, well, that will be up to her!

kisses little angel!

ps. my excuses for not having any pictures - especially since i did bring my camera, but guess i was just too captivated by this sleeping beauty to actually bring it into action. next time - promise.

Thursday, 1 November 2007

Helena is work work work but off to Stockholm tomorrow

ok, I admit it, i spend just a bit too much time on facebook.... so much that i cannot seem to write a subject line anymore without starting it with "helena is" ;))

too much work lately so the blog has been suffering... of course having moved flats into a fabulous enormous (well for me at least!) quiet and nice new "chez moi" didn't help, nor does having a new man in my life - yes, it's official, nor having planned and just gone through with a big party at my flat :)) but here i am. when i should be upstairs drinking beer with my friend-colleagues (i never know what to call them) before heading off to a late dinner with an ex colleague-still friend at 9. just thought i would pop in and let you know that, yes indeed, i am still alive!!!

will need to post some pics here soon from my new flat, and possibly of my new (though not so new anymore since it's been 2 months) mister, and definitely of my oldest friend jessica's new daughter who i will have the great pleasure of meeting for the first time tomorrow evening :)))) yes, i'm going to stockholm for the weekend. for once that i was going to copenhagen for a meeting on monday, rather than to somewhere in the ESEE region, i wasn't going to miss out on stopping by at home, especially when the ticket was cheaper, AND when little Moa has just been born!! sometimes work is not too bad after all ;)

ok, so perhaps not the most interesting post of the summer, but then again, where did the summer go. and no, i have not been drinking yet but hey, i'm off for a glass right this minute. cherios, a nossa, skàl and lots of kisses